
专业委员会 2023-11-08 11:29:19 来源:中房网

  【导读】“ 第20届中日韩居住问题国际会议”圆满落幕。为了更好的分享学术成果,近期本公众号将陆续刊载会议论文。本期刊载的是“自由专题(青年学者)”中方优秀论文,中文摘要和英文全文如下:



 1 碳排放标识的概念和意义


  2 高质量住宅的特点和要求


  3 碳排放标识体系的构建


  4 政策建议和实施方案

  高质量住宅的碳排放标识的落地应用少不了政策的支持,可以从以下措施建议进行政策制定与实施:(1)明确政策的目标 和目的;(2)建立法律法规和标准;(3)明确适用产品或服务界限;(4)制定标签的设计和标准;(5)确定碳排放量的测量和评估 方法;(6)制定标签管理和监督机制;(7)制定消费者教育计划,提高消费者的认知和理解,并促进消费者购买低碳产品和服务。(8)制定信息公示方案;(9)建立数据收集和分析系统,监测和分析碳排放标签政策的实施效果。(10)建立政企合作机制,促进政府和企业共同实施碳排放标签政策;(11)提供资金支持,促进碳排放标签政策的实施和推广;(12)制定宣传推广计划,提高公众对碳排放标签政策的认知和支持度,促进政策的有效实施和推广。(13)建立监督评估机制,定期对碳排放标签政策进行评估和审查,以检验政策的有效性和可行性,并提出改进和完善的建议。(14)加强国际合作,与其他国家和地区分享碳排放标签政策的经验和实践,推动标准的国际化和标签的互认,促进全球碳减排目标的达成。(15)引入市场和金融机制,激励企业和消费者减少碳排放,促进碳排放标签政策的有效实施和推广。

  5 结论与展望

  碳排放标识不应该是一种独立的标识形式,应与其他标识和认证体系联动。高质量住宅需要满足多种标准和认证要求,例如绿色建筑认证、健康指标、能源效率认证等。碳排放标识与这些标识和认证体系联动后,可以有效的实现资源共享和优化管理。碳排放标识的实施离不开政策和市场的支持,政策和市场环境对碳排放标识的实施起着至关重要的作用。建立相应的政策和市场机制,以促进碳排放标识的推广和应用。标识本身制度建立的同时,还需要相关技术的支持,可以引入云计 算、区块链、人工智能等技术,增强支持高质量住宅的碳排放标识的应用广度和深度,发挥碳排放数据的潜在价值,完善建筑行业产业链的碳排放追踪的效率。




  Global climate change and carbon emissions are becoming increasingly prominent, and the total carbon emissions of the whole process of the national construction industry is 4,997 million tons of carbon dioxide in 2019, accounting for 50.6% of the carbon emissions of the whole society [1], while the residential building area accounts for another 70.8% of the total building area in 2021[2], optimizing and reducing the carbon emissions of residential buildings is an important basis for achieving green and low-carbon development of the whole society. The International Organization for Standardization's ISO 14067:2018 Greenhouse gases-Carbon footprint of products-Requirements and guidelines for quantification provides standards for the carbon footprint accounting of products and promotes the application of carbon emission labels for products. There is no clear domestic policy on carbon labeling and carbon footprint, but there are relevant policies and normative documents for environmental credit evaluation, and in the report of the 19th National Congress, it is clearly proposed to "improve the system of environmental credit evaluation, mandatory disclosure of information, severe punishment and heavy penalty"[3]. In the construction industry, due to its complexity and many product types, the international ISO 14067 standard cannot be fully adapted to the needs of carbon footprint tracking and labeling of residential buildings in China, so it is necessary to establish a carbon labeling system to support high-quality residential buildings in order to promote the development of low-carbon buildings.


  The concept and meaning of carbon labeling

  Carbon labeling refers to the identification of information about the carbon emissions generated by a product throughout its life cycle in the form of a label to inform consumers of the carbon emissions per unit of the product[4]. There is also a corresponding concept called Carbon Footprint, which refers to the direct and indirect greenhouse gas emissions and consumption generated by an activity, a product, or a service throughout its life cycle or within a certain boundary, usually expressed in the form of CO2 equivalent[5].



  Figure 1: Comparison of the carbon footprint of plant-based and versus animal food products in the UK

  Carbon footprint is an important evaluation index of low carbon products, and carbon labeling is a form of quantitative labeling of the carbon footprint of products or services. The research and application of carbon labeling can provide support for the carbon emission control and optimization of products or services, which can effectively reduce the carbon emission of the whole life cycle of products and improve product quality.

  The application of carbon labeling abroad in the field of consumer products has been very well established and is an important way to guide green consumption and green production[6], and then the current research on carbon labeling for buildings is not perfect except for the research related to green building materials. . 


  Characteristics and requirements of high-quality housing

  General Office of the CPC Central Committee General Office of the State Council issued the "Opinions on promoting green development of urban and rural construction" clearly put forward: "... Promote the development of high-quality green buildings on a large scale, vigorously promote ultra-low energy consumption, near-zero energy buildings, the development of zero-carbon buildings. Implement a unified green building labeling system."[7], high-quality housing contains more meanings, including high-quality design, high-quality building materials products, high-quality construction, high-quality property management, etc., and its value is throughout the whole life cycle of the housing.

  High-quality housing should mainly include six characteristics, namely: green and low-carbon, safe and durable, comfortable and healthy, convenient facilities, economic value and cultural services.

  3.1. Green and low carbon

  High-quality residences should be at least two-star green buildings, using environmentally friendly building materials and technologies to minimize the negative impact on the environment. In addition, they should have efficient energy use and low carbon emissions to reduce the impact on climate change and be able to actively reduce carbon emissions.

  3.2. Safe and durable

  High-quality homes should be robust and able to withstand natural disasters and other unforeseen destructive events. High-quality building materials and structural design should be used to ensure its long-term safety and durability, with resilience.

  3.3. Comfort and health

  High-quality housing should provide a healthy and comfortable living environment, including high-quality indoor air quality, good lighting and ventilation, and appropriate temperature and humidity control. In addition, the health and welfare of the occupants should be taken into consideration, such as using environmentally friendly cleaning products and materials, as well as providing proper noise and light pollution control, and being able to improve comfort and health through intelligent control.

  3.4. Convenient facilities

  High-quality housing should have comprehensive facilities and convenient transportation to meet the various needs of residents. This includes access to high-speed broadband network, public transportation, shopping, entertainment and medical facilities. In addition, it should consider the needs of different groups of people and have good performance for the elderly and the disabled and the young.

  3.5. Economic value

  High-quality housing should have economic and investment value. Economical and practical design and construction materials should be used to save costs while maintaining good quality and value. In addition, the financial situation and needs of the residents should be taken into consideration, such as providing reasonable rents or rates to ensure that the residents can afford and enjoy a high-quality living environment.

  3.6. Cultural services

  High-quality housing should provide good services and a cultural environment to meet the social and cultural needs of residents. This includes the provision of community activities, cultural events and educational resources to enhance community cohesion and the quality of life of residents. In addition, the cultural background and needs of residents should be considered, such as providing appropriate multilingual services and cultural activities.

  As an important evaluation index, green and low-carbon is the foundation for achieving high-quality housing, and the establishment of a sound carbon labeling system is the cornerstone for achieving green and low-carbon, so it is of high significance to study how to establish a carbon labeling system that supports high-quality housing.


  Construction of carbon emission labeling system

  "In the context of establishing a carbon emission labeling system for high-quality housing, the first thing that needs to be established is the measurement, evaluation and labeling of carbon emissions of building components, which needs to be carried out in the following six aspects: 

  Clarifying the boundary of carbon emission marking: Combining the sub-part and classification methods of building components, the products requiring carbon emission marking are clarified. Some components account for a negligible amount of carbon emissions of high-quality residential buildings and can be completely ignored in the early stage, and the configuration of carbon emission marking can be carried out first starting from the bulk component products that affect the carbon emissions of buildings. 

  Carbon emission calculation and evaluation methods: Carbon emission calculation and evaluation methods are the basis for constructing carbon emission labeling system. Various methods can be used to measure and evaluate carbon emissions, such as life cycle assessment, footprint assessment, etc. When selecting methods, the characteristics of construction products and the complexity of the supply chain in the construction industry need to be considered. 

  Preparation of assessment standards and guidelines: Standards and guidelines are the basis for measuring the level of carbon emissions from buildings. Existing international standards and guidelines, such as ISO 14064, GHG Protocol, etc., can be referred to, and standards and guidelines for carbon labelling in China can also be developed according to specific needs and circumstances.

  Measuring carbon emissions: The carbon emissions of goods or services are measured and evaluated using the chosen measurement and evaluation methods. This usually requires the collection and analysis of a variety of data, including energy consumption, material consumption, waste disposal, etc.

  Labeling building component products or services: Building supply chain products are labeled based on measurement results. Labels usually use symbols or numbers to indicate their corresponding carbon emissions, to rate the carbon emissions of products and residential buildings, to achieve a hierarchical management of building products through carbon emission labels, and to establish standards for carbon emission labels for high-quality residential buildings. The logo can be labeled or printed on building supply chain products, and can also be publicized through promotional materials and websites, etc.

  Verification and certification: In order to ensure the credibility and reliability of the labeling system, the measurement and assessment results can be verified and certified. Validation and certification bodies usually review standards and guidelines, and audit and validate the measurement and assessment process, and establish an online validation platform to improve the efficiency of validation. 

  Establish management and monitoring mechanisms: To ensure the long-term effectiveness of the marking system, corresponding management and monitoring mechanisms need to be established. This includes the use of blockchain and other technologies to establish carbon emission ledgers, develop carbon emission reduction plans, monitor and report carbon emissions, etc. In addition, the labelling system needs to be regularly evaluated and improved to ensure that it complies with the latest standards and guidelines while meeting the needs and expectations of users.

  Figure 2: The architecture of carbon emission labeling system for high quality residential buildings(Source: Self-drawn by the author)


  Policy recommendations and implementation plans 

  In the context of policy promotion, in order to realize the application of carbon emission labeling for high-quality housing on the ground, the policy can be specified and implemented in the following aspects:

  Policy objectives: Clarify the goals and objectives of the policy, such as reducing carbon emissions and raising consumer awareness, etc. 

  Laws and regulations: List the relevant laws, regulations, and standards, such as national and regional carbon emission standards, labeling methods, etc.

  Scope of application of the label: specify the scope of goods or services to which the label applies, such as product categories, industries, etc.

  Label design and standards: Develop label design and standards, such as label style, markings, colors, etc.

  Measurement and assessment methods: Determine the measurement and assessment methods for carbon emissions, such as life cycle assessment, footprint assessment, etc.

  Label management and monitoring: Develop label management and monitoring mechanisms, such as label application, auditing, authorization, monitoring, and penalties, etc.

  Consumer education: Develop consumer education programs to improve consumers' knowledge and understanding of carbon labeling and to promote the purchase of low-carbon products and services.

  Information disclosure: Develop an information disclosure program, such as the channels, content and frequency of label disclosure, etc.

  Data collection and analysis: Establish a data collection and analysis system to monitor and analyze the effectiveness of the implementation of the carbon emission labeling policy.

  Cooperation mechanism: Establish a government-enterprise cooperation mechanism to promote the joint implementation of carbon emission labeling policy by the government and enterprises.

  Financial support: Provide financial support to facilitate the implementation and promotion of the carbon emission labeling policy.

  Publicity and Promotion: Develop a publicity and promotion plan to increase public awareness and support of the carbon emission labeling policy and promote its effective implementation and promotion.

  Supervision and Evaluation: Establish a supervision and evaluation mechanism to regularly evaluate and review the carbon emission labeling policy to test its effectiveness and feasibility and make recommendations for improvement and refinement.

  International Cooperation: Strengthen international cooperation, share the experience and practice of carbon emission labeling policy with other countries and regions, promote the internationalization of standards and mutual recognition of labels, and facilitate the achievement of global carbon emission reduction targets.

  Market and financial mechanisms: Introduce market and financial mechanisms, such as carbon emission allowance trading, to motivate enterprises and consumers to reduce carbon emissions and promote the effective implementation and promotion of carbon emission labeling policies.


  Conclusion and outlook

  6.1. Conclusion

  Carbon labelling can promote the development of high-quality housing. By establishing a carbon labeling system, residential developers and architects can be motivated to adopt measures such as environmentally friendly materials and technologies to optimize building design and improve energy use efficiency, thereby reducing the overall carbon emissions of residential buildings.

  Carbon labeling should consider the characteristics and needs of different types of residences. The carbon emission levels of different types of residences vary greatly, so carbon emission signs should be adjusted and optimized according to the types and characteristics of residences to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of the signs.

  The carbon label should be connected with other labeling and certification systems. High-quality houses usually need to meet various standards and certification requirements, such as energy efficiency certification, green building certification, etc. Therefore, carbon labels should be connected with these labels and certification systems to achieve resource sharing and optimal management.

  The implementation of carbon labelling requires policy and market support. The policy and market environment play a crucial role in the implementation of carbon labelling, and corresponding policies and market mechanisms need to be established to promote the promotion and application of carbon labelling.

  6.2. Outlook

  Establish a carbon emission labeling system for high-quality residential buildings. A carbon emission labeling system applicable to high-quality residential buildings should be established to promote the development of high-quality residential buildings and residential carbon emission reduction.

  Optimize the labeling scheme considering the types and characteristics of residential buildings. The labeling scheme should be optimized for the characteristics and needs of different types of residences to ensure the accuracy and effectiveness of the labeling.

  Connect with other marking and certification systems. It should be connected with other marking and certification systems to achieve resource sharing and optimal management.

  Establish policy and market support mechanism. Corresponding policies and market mechanisms should be established to promote the promotion and application of carbon emission labels.


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  张  宏,东南大学建筑学院教授